Officer Arif Vadsaria provided a Public Safety Report. A link to that report can be found here.

We had five people speak during member input:
Carol Wendler – regarding Deed Restriction related to Landscaping.
Terry Harris – Nesting Birds in Lakes of Edgewater
Frank Barboza – Consideration of a Wildlife Fund for the association
Rick Bayless – Neighborhood Representative Charter, Demolition of a house in Lake Colony, last month’s member input, comments on Audits posted for 2019 and 2020.
Susan Ridley – last month’s member input, meeting format for the Town Hall meeting on March 6th, concerns on what kind of chemicals are being sprayed by Westco.

Note from FCCSA Staff
*Responses to members who spoke during member input were mailed out to the members on Monday, February 20, 2022.

*In regards to the Demolition of a home in Lake Colony, click here to be taken to the Demolition & Reconstruction Procedures & Guidelines and please refer to the highlighted section on page 2. If you have any questions related to this process, please email

Action Items:

·         2022-year end financials and January 2023 month end financials were reviewed by Treasurer Sharon Barboza. Click here for the summary.  (can you link the document titled variance report here)

·         The board approved $100k towards a Wildlife Management Account

·         The Board approved the action on the minutes from the February 15, 2023, Special Board Meeting. 

·         The Board approved a company credit card.

·         The Board approved the Little Library agreement.

·         The Board tabled the memo containing a second legal opinion on the interpretation if color is considered material regarding roofing.

·         The Board approved the Monitoring Reports. 

There was no new business for this month.

Old Business –
Neighborhood Rep Charter

FCCSA Staff was directed by the board during the January board meeting to reach out to the Neighborhood Representatives asking for suggestions pertaining to the 2023 charter that was approved by the board in November 2022. Staff was given 1 week to collect the comments. Staff heard back from a total of 5 people out of 101 representatives. 3 Neighborhood Reps responded with comments and their own proposed changes (2 from Hall Lake, 1 from Oaks of Alcorn). 1 neighborhood representative from Sweetwater responded back with “no problems with the new version.” 1 neighborhood rep from Sugar Crossing responded with general comments and included the signed charter. A copy of all correspondence was provided to the board. It is now up to the Board of Directors to decide how they want to proceed for the 2024 charter, the 2023 charter remains in place.