First Colony Community Services Association (FCCSA) is dependent on member volunteers for assistance in making our community a great place to live. FCCSA has many committees to help do just that. So why should you volunteer?
- You have a vested interest in your investment. By becoming involved with your community association, you can take an active role in maintaining property values and ensuring your community’s quality of living.
- Continue your education. As human beings, we never stop learning. Going behind the scenes to see how things operate is one of the greatest educational experiences available.
- Express your creativity. Our individuality is what makes the world go ’round, as they say. Even when serving your community, you can find ways to express yourself.
- Serving allows you to get out and socialize and network with your neighbors.
- Like to solve problems?
Board of Directors
Board of Directors meetings are held monthly.
Board members act on behalf of the members of the Association.
The FCCSA Board’s primary responsibility is to ensure that the Association operates in a fiscally sound and efficient manner and manages staff personnel in a professional and compliant manner.
- Contracts: All contracts are monitored for performance and reasonable cost.
- Audits: Audits are conducted according to the bylaws and by competent and appropriate accounting companies.
- Budget: In conjunction with the Executive Director and staff, the Board is to develop a yearly budget that is consistent with the goals of the Comprehensive Master Plan (CMP) and the Association income and monitor monthly.
- Personnel issues: The Board is tasked with monitoring personnel policies and practices with the Executive Director to ensure that staff is appropriately compensated with pay & benefits and all personnel matters are handled in compliance with Board policy and regulations.
- Existing guidelines and policies: The Board is to ensure that staff is adequately communicating and enforcing Association guidelines and policies in a consistent and fair manner.
- Legal issues: The Board is to give clear and consistent direction concerning all legal matters that come before the Board.
- Culture/Look and Feel: As opposed to establishing policies and plans separately, the Board is tasked with considering how each new action taken and every budget developed is consistent with the CMP and the Board’s Vision of how it wants to affect the personality and perception of the FCCSA community. Each Board decision should enhance the community culture that the Board is attempting to develop for the FCCSA, both short-term and long-term.
- Comprehensive Master Plan: The CMP is to be updated by the Board and staff yearly during the strategic planning and budget meetings to reflect the Association’s short- term and long-term goals.
- Fiscal: The Board is to evaluate whether its budgeted revenues are consistent with the CMP on an ongoing basis
- Assets: The Board is responsible for anticipating financial and manpower needs for maintaining the Association’s assets in the future, in conjunction with the reserve study.
- The Board of Directors shall be responsible for the affairs of the Association and shall have all of the powers and duties necessary for the administration of the Association’s affairs and conduct business as described by the governing documents for the Association.
Property Improvement Committee (PIC)
The committee meets usually on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month at 9 am. The meetings usually last about 1 -2 hours. Meeting dates subject to change.
- Review all new construction applications and take action (approve or disapprove) according to architectural control standards. In the event of disapproval, provide feedback that will assist applicants to meet guidelines when re-applying.
- Review property improvement applications and take action (approve/disapprove), according to appropriate guidelines for the given location. In the event of disapproval, provide feedback that will assist applicants to meet guidelines when re-applying.
- The Committee operates only as a recommending body to FCCSA and the Board of Directors. They cannot authorize any transactions or activities on behalf of FCCSA unless expressly granted in the FCCSA governing documents or given by the Board of Directors. The Committee members will not be involved in the routine management and operation of FCCSA.
Realtor Advisory Committee
The Realtor Advisory Committee meets quarterly; the second Thursday of the month at 8:30 am at the First Colony Community Services Association (FCCSA) office. The purpose of the committee is to keep the realtors informed of new information in the Association (i.e. new businesses, certificate of compliance changes, etc.) to help them and their clients. The realtors provide information to FCCSA to assist FCCSA staff with how the Association can help the realtors sell homes in the community.
Communications Advisory Committee
Committee meetings are by invitation only and will be held quarterly, or as often as deemed necessary by the Chair.
- To advise and assist First Colony Community Services Association (FCCSA) Management and Board Members, as the Board may direct, in the oversight and improvement of FCCSA’s communications to its membership.
- Review new and affordable ways to maximize communications and provide feedback regarding current methods.
- Research additional communication tools to promote awareness of events in order to strive to increase attendance/participation of members.
- Assist with the creation of member surveys.
- Perform such other tasks as may be assigned from time to time by the Board of Directors.
As authorized in Article V in the Bylaws of FCCSA, the committee operates only as a recommending body to Management and the Board of Directors. The committee cannot authorize any transactions or activities on behalf of FCCSA, make final decisions on any matters, expend Association funds, or speak on behalf of the community without authorization of the Board of Directors. The committee members will not be involved in the routine management and operation of the management duties of FCCSA. Committee members do not have authority to contact FCCSA vendors or bidders.
Finance Committee
The Committee meets quarterly, or as needed.
- Serve as an advisory body relating to financial matters of the Association.
- Monitor investments quarterly.
- Review purchasing policy, investment policy, non-employee benefit insurance, etc., periodically, as needed.
- Review budget process annually.
- Receive certified audit annually.
- Review types, format, and frequency of financial reports required for the FCCSA Board of Directors every three years.
The committee operates only as a recommending body to management and the Board of Directors. The committee cannot authorize any transactions or activities on behalf of FCCSA unless expressly granted in the FCCSA governing documents or given by the Board of Directors. The committee members will not be involved in the routine management and operation of the management duties of FCCSA. Committee members do not have authority to contact FCCSA vendors or bidders.
Landscaping Advisory Committee
The scope of the Landscaping Advisory Committee is to evaluate the current landscaping scenario and create a plan for the future.
Neighborhood Representative Committee
Neighborhood Representatives are a vital communication link between First Colony Community Association (FCCA) and their neighborhoods. Representatives help create a sense of community. Representatives are elected annually by the members in their neighborhoods and serve a one-year term. Each separate neighborhood may have up to three (3) elected Representatives. They are elected by their neighborhood members. A Representative should attend Neighborhood Rep meetings (usually four (4) per year) hosted by FCCSA. They share information from these meetings with their neighbors. A neighborhood rep can also plan and organize special neighborhood events (i.e. ice cream socials, National Night Out), participate in the welcome wagon program for new residents, oversee the use of neighborhood voluntary contributions, create a distribution e-mail list for their subdivision to help keep their neighbors informed, participate in Yard of the Month Program and more.
- Attend the Neighborhood Rep meetings.
- Maintain frequent contact and communications with the other Reps within the neighborhood.
- Provide feedback regarding issues of concern presented to the Reps by FCCSA.
- Inform FCCSA when there are neighborhood issues, such as those related to safety, landscaping, programs, etc. that should be addressed.
- Maintain regular communication with Reps from other neighborhoods – they are an invaluable source of ideas and experience.
- Respect the rights and privacy of all Reps and all FCCSA members by not abusing the privileges of information (such as e-mail addresses, phone numbers, home addresses) for personal, private or political issues.
- Keep FCCSA reasonably informed of all changes in status (such as new work or home phones numbers, e-mail addresses, etc.).
- Neighborhood Reps operate only as a recommending body to FCCSA and the Board of Directors. They cannot authorize any transactions or activities on behalf of FCCSA unless expressly granted in the FCCSA governing documents or given by the Board of Directors. The Reps will not be involved in the routine management and operation of FCCSA.